Rooftop Massage

rooftop massage

Rooftop Massage: we challenge you to Find Peace

…If only for an hour

rooftop massage


Close your eyes and imagine yourself under a clear blue sky, the wind is lightly blowing, rustling the leaves of a nearby bamboo tree.  You are completely relaxed, your mind is a bird floating through the sky, the tension you have been holding in your muscles melts away.

You are finding freedom in your body and mind in the comfort of a massage table. You are on a rooftop deck under the canopy of a wooden pergola with flowing white curtains.  You have been warmed by an infrared sauna and your mind slowly drifts to the hammock you will enjoy at the end of your treatment.

There is nothing that can shake you, you are in a world of your own choosing.

We challenge you to enjoy peace through massage in Written on the Body’s Rooftop Relaxation area.

Book online today

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