Should I get a massage?

massage for back pain

should I get massage?

Have you ever thought to yourself “Should I get a massage?” If so then this post is for you!

If you are experiencing any of the following issues then massage is definitely right for you:

  • First and most important is that you enjoy being touched and find it comforting

  • If you have a serious medical condition or specific concern surrounding massage you should get clearance from your doctor before making an appointment

  • You live a high stress lifestyle and have limited time for yourself-massage can be a great way to reward yourself for working so hard and can help you feel renewed after giving so much to your job/family/friends/business etc…

  • You experience chronic pain-often times people believe they have to live with pain but this is not always the case!  Regular massage treatments can help relieve or at the very least lessen chronic pain cycles.

  • You have tension headaches-massage can help loosen the muscles of the head neck and jaw to help you find release from the tension that causes headaches

  • You have a difficult time relaxing or shutting off your mind-massage, especially certain types of massage such as Thai and hot stone can be very effective in helping you wind down and find inner peace.

  • You are prone to injury involving pulled muscles and tears-massage truly can help unravel those long time patters of muscle tightness that eventually leads to injury.  It is no magic pill but with regular treatments and a good self care routine you will find that you can become more balanced.

These are just a few of the reasons massage might be a good fit for you!  If you have questions about your particular situation please feel free to drop me a line via email at  I will look forward to hearing from you!  Ready to book?  Head to our online booking site and set your appointment today:  Written on the Body Massage and Acupuncture Studio

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