Get the most from your massage
A practical guide to helping yourself get a great massage
Choose the right type and length of massage session
First things first you want to know if you are choosing the right type of massage along with the correct amount of time for the issues you are experiencing. Check out our blog post: “how often should I get a massage” to help determine what will best meet your needs. You can also contact your massage therapist to chat about your issues and decide on a treatment plan prior to booking. If your massage therapist is located at Written on the Body please feel free to email us at wonthebody@gmail.com or give us a call at 503-473-8515
Be timely
Show up a few minutes early to your appointment so that you have time to fill out paperwork, chat with your therapist about the day’s issues and get on the table. This will allow your massage session to begin on time and give you the full time allotted for your appointment.
Have realistic expectations
Massage is not a one time fix typically, especially if you have an issue that has been going on for some time. You will usually feel relief after one session but most times it takes regular work to resolve pain, scar tissue, tension and other issues. Talk with your therapist about a treatment plan that is right for you.
Speak up
A good therapist wants to tailor the session to your needs but we aren’t mind readers and we need to your feedback to make sure we are helping make the most of your session. First and foremost communicate your expectations during the initial conversation with your therapist. During the session, if you are too hot or cold, the music or lighting is not to your liking, the pressure is too much or little, if your therapist is talking too much or not checking in enough, etc… you need to let us know. We can adjust for you most of the time, even if it is just something you think could be better we want to hear about it. As the old saying goes “closed mouths don’t get fed”, too shy to say something? Write an email after the session, believe me, talking to your therapist directly will be much more effective than leaving a negative review in cyberspace or telling all your friends. (with that said if the therapist doesn’t respond appropriately or try to adjust to meet your needs then you should definitely share the news publicly).
Find the right team of therapists for you
It never fails that if I am in a group of people telling stories about their massage experience that one person will say “I don’t really care for massage” and when I ask why they reply that the one massage they had didn’t meet their expectations (even though they didn’t speak up). Please keep in mind that different therapist are trained in different styles of massage and they have their own flow that they combine with those skills. This means that not every massage therapist will be the right fit for every person and you may even find that a therapist might be the right fit for you at one time and then not at another. I always recommend finding a trusted team of therapists including a Naturopathic Physician, Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, Physical Therapist, Chiropractor, Medical Doctor or any other combination that you find works for you. This is so you can arrange for care when pain, injuries, accidents or other issues arise.
The hard work is over and now it’s time to let it all go, breathe deep and become a limp noodle!
To get the most from your massage it is really all about you, knowing what your options are and what you really want out of your session along with finding the right therapist(s) for you. Have questions about different types of massage or what might work best for your particular situation? Feel free to send me an email at wotbmanager@gmail.com, I am always happy to make recommendations!
Thanks so much for reading and have a fabulous week:)