Curious about Acupuncture? Here are a few fun facts for you to explore:
Acupuncturists feel your pulse and look at your tongue to gain information about your state of health and plan a course of treatment.
Originally acupuncture needles were not made of stainless steel but of stone, bamboo, and bone.
Studies have shown that acupuncture points have significantly more electrical conductivity than areas of skin without acupuncture points.
Acupuncture can increase the success rate of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) up to 65%.
Acupuncture gained attention in the U.S. after President Nixonʼs visit to China in 1972 when an accompanying reporter experienced significant post-operative pain relief after undergoing an emergency appendectomy and wrote about the benefits of acupuncture upon his return to the U.S.
Acupuncture is over 5,000 years old and is one of the oldest practicing forms of medicine known to date.
Licensed acupuncturists attend an in-depth four year program and obtain over 1,000+ clinical internship hours.
Acupuncture is just one part of a broad system of Traditional Chinese Medicine that also includes Chinese Herbal Medicine, Tui Na (massage), Tai Chi/Qi Gong (movement) and Chinese Dietary Therapy (Healthy.net).
Acupuncture can help so many things! Pain, digestive issues, smoking cessation, depression and many other issues. Wondering if it can help you? Book an appointment with Terry or Richard at Written on the Body to find out today:)