Yes! Massage can help improve your posture read on to find out how…
We are sitting more than ever before with long hours at the computer, commuting, watching TV and it is affecting the way our body is aligned. Our shoulders and neck are pulled forward due to tight, shortened pectorals (chest), scalene’s and my favorite named muscle the sternocleidomastoid (front of neck). Our pelvis’s are out of whack from weakened abdominal muscles, shortened hip flexors and more. While we are busy slumping and slouching from sitting waaayyyy more than our bodies were intended to we need our grandmother’s in our ears to nag us to take breaks, pull our shoulders back and down and stand up straight, for goodness sakes!
How can massage help you achieve your goal of beautiful straight posture? Here is the short list of what we can help you accomplish:
- Almost every Massage Therapist I know pays attention to posture all the time. We can’t help it! Even when I am out and about I am noticing other people’s posture and thinking of ways that I could help return them to a balanced frame. If you are working towards correcting your posture you should talk to your Massage Therapist about your goals, they will most likely have some insight on where they notice imbalances and what type of treatment plan could work for you.
- Massage therapy helps to ease the tension in tight muscles caused by postural imbalances, for instance I mentioned the forward body posture above often caused by long hours at the computer which can cause arm, hand, neck and upper back pain. Targeting specific muscle groups such as the pecs and the muscles on the front of the neck can help lengthen them allow the body to find the space to realign itself into the proper position. This applies to other areas as well such as releasing the hip flexors for the low back to help relieve pain in this area.
- Massage relaxes you, improves your circulation, helps eradicate stress and is one of the best pain relievers out there. Many of the unhealthy patterns our body creates are caused by stress tension and pain which means getting regular massage is a key ingredient to letting go of those things that are having ill effects on your posture.
I would never try to mislead you into believing that massage is a miracle cure, that you won’t have to work hard to return to a healthy posture or that massage will be the only tool you might need. However I do believe that regular massage is an important (and hopefully really lovely) piece of the amazing posture puzzle. Don’t take my word for it Book Your Massage Today!
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