Here is another great recipe to help us in our quest to continue eating healthy during fall! I hope you love it and feel free to share your faves with me:)
Jamaican Brown Stew Fish
Adapted from “Brown Stew Fish” found on JamiacaTravelandCulture.com
Some of you may already know that I spent a couple years in the U.S. Virgin Islands and loved it! I really miss island food and culture especially when “the dark time” starts to creep in here in the Pacific Northwest. Luckily I still live in a location with an abundance of fresh fish and I try to eat fish at least once a week, otherwise I am pretty much a meatless cook. This week I bought some wild caught Pacific Cod not really having a recipe in mind. After I got it home I searched around online and came across one of my favorite Caribbean dishes called stew fish (I pretty much loved “stew anything” while I was there). This recipe was already pretty healthy but I did make a few adjustments. I served this with brown rice and it was fabulous! I hope you enjoy:)
- 2lb fish fillets
- 1 tablespoon of lime juice
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of pepper
- 1 onion diced
- 3 stalks of scallion minced
- 1 habanero pepper minced (or adjust amount to your desired spice level)
- 1 red pepper diced
- 3 cloves of garlic minced
- 1/2 inch of ginger grated
- 3 tomatoes chopped
- 3 tablespoons of flour
- 3 sprigs of fresh thyme (or 3 teaspoons of dried thyme)
- 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon of browning *see recipe at the bottom of this post
- 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
- 2 cups of water
- Rinse the fish filets and put them in a bowl with just enough water to cover and lime juice, leave them to marinate while you make the browning sauce.
- Make the browning sauce, the recipe is located here and at the bottom of this post.
- Mix flour into 1/4 cup of water and set aside
- Take fish out of the water mixture and pat dry, season with salt and pepper
- Heat large shallow pan with oil, I used about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, until hot. Add fish (I like to break it up into smaller chunks as I cook it). After about 5 minutes when the fish has sealed you can add in the onion, scallion, habanero, red pepper pepper, garlic, tomatoes and thyme for three minutes.
- Add the water, soy sauce and browning and simmer for five minutes.
- Stir the flour/water mixture in to the stew then add the fish. Simmer for five minutes, occasionally stirring gently.
- Serve with Rice or a traditional Jamaican “rice and peas”
- Put on some Caribbean music and enjoy!
Browning Sauce
A version of this sauce is used a lot in Jamaican cooking, this is a healthy version and it makes quite a bit. Feel free to cut it down to only make what you need. Also you can substitute brown sugar and regular salt if you prefer. This recipe comes from thatgirlcookshealthy.com.
- 2 cups of coconut palm sugar
- 1 cup of water
- 2 tsp of himalayan pink salt
- Add the sugar to a saucepan and turn on medium heat.
- Use a wooden spoon and begin to slowly stir. The sugar will start to dissolve and turn into a syrup consistency while darkening.
- If the sugars begin to smoke too quickly then reduce the flame or switch off the stove and continue to stir while charring the sugar.
- Once the sugar darkens to a dark brown almost black in colour remove from the stove and carefully add the water. The saucepan will yield plenty of steam and splutter which is normal – keep on stirring the pan.
- Once the sauce is formed, allow to cool before adding the pink salt and pouring into a sauce bottle.