What is cupping?

Cupping seems to be all the rage with athletes right now and for good reason, it works!  I have heard a lot of varying opinions since I first tried out cupping myself, some folks believe it’s a hoax and the benefit is just a placebo effect, others seem confused about it all together, some think it will be painful and others agree that it is absolutely fabulous.  In this post I hope to give you a clear and simple explanation of cupping so that you can go boldly forward to try it out for yourself!

Here we go….


The definition of cup·ping


noun: cupping

(in Chinese medicine) a therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction as a way of stimulating the flow of energy.

To add on to the dictionary definition cupping is used to stimulate blood flow, bring fresh blood to the area and increase healing. This means it is good for physical issues including injuries, muscle tension, pain, restricted movement and so much more!

Who can provide cupping treatments?

If you have a complimentary health care provider that you currently see my advice would be to check with them first for a recommendation.  If not you can visit us at Written on the Body!  Both Theresa and Richard offer cupping treatments in addition to Acupuncture to our clients.  Or you can seek out an acupuncturist, massage therapist or naturopathic physician who is trained in cupping.

What happens during a cupping treatment?

After a thorough intake with your practitioner they will have you disrobe the affected area.  Some practitioners might use a tiny amount of oil to prepare your skin for the cupping procedure.  There are different types of cupping, some use glass cups and fire to create suction and others use plastic cups that have tiny built in pumps to draw the air out.  Whichever type of cups used you will feel the flesh being sucked up into the cups, typically this is not painful but depending on your specific issue it can become a little more intense.  If it is too uncomfortable you can always let your practitioner know so that they can release some of the suction.  Some therapists will let the cups sit for a time (seconds to a few minutes) and others will move the cups around similar to a massaging motion.

What happens after a cupping treatment?

After your practitioner removes the cups you may feel some tenderness in the area but it typically fades within 24 hours, you may also feel more tired than usual as your body works hard to heal itself.  You will most likely have deep red or purple marks where the cups have been placed but they do not feel painful.  These marks are caused by stagnant blood and toxins coming to the surface and will fade within a week or so.  You will probably feel better!  You might notice more freedom and less pain in the areas that have been cupped.  If you get regular treatments and have a good self care routine you may even make a full recovery from injuries or other chronic issues.

Cupping in the news:

The Portland Trail Blazers added cupping into their injury prevention and recovery routines:


Floyd Mayweather recently got cupping:



Cupping is an ancient healing practice and this blog post is just a short adventure into what it is all about.  To really understand it you will need to experience it and learn about the philosophies surrounding traditional Chinese medicine.

Have more questions?  Leave them in the comments or email us at wonthebody@gmail.com.  Thanks for reading and we look forward to working with you soon!  Book online today.

What is acupuncture?

What is Acupuncture?

what is acupuncture

Here is a short list to help you understand what acupuncture is:

  • An important component of traditional Chinese Medicine

  • An ancient healing tradition that is at least 2500 years old

  • A technique that uses thin needles that are inserted into specific points on the body to help bring the qi (flow of energy or life force) into balance, the balance of qi is believed to be essential for health in traditional Chinese Medicine

AND what it is good for:

  • Pain of all sorts!  Acupuncture results vary depending on the person and situation (just like any form of medicine) but it is a safe addition to or alternative to any western treatment

  • Nausea

  • Fertility

  • Increasing circulation and a general sense of ease and well-being

  • Injuries

  • Quitting habits

  • Stage fright! Who knew?

  • And so much more!  If you have an issue or a goal the chances are very good that your acupuncturist can help you.

Still have questions?  Ask away in the comments section or contact us directly!  Ready to book?  Let’s do it-click HERE now

3 ways to live a healthier and happier life in 2014

3 ways to live a healthier and happier life in 2014

I always slack a little on most of my routines (outside of hammock laying and beach going) through the Summer, we get such a short visit from the sun here in Portland that I feel justified in my laziness.  But It’s back to school time here in Oregon and I know that, like myself, many of you parents out there are ready to get back to the grind.  When the kids go back to school it becomes easier for us to get back on top of work, exercise, healthy eating habits and in general taking care of ourselves.  If you want to make a huge positive impact on your health and happiness you should try adding regular massage into your self care routine, you won’t believe what a difference it will make!  Still not sure?  Check out these great facts about the many ways regular massage can improve your overall well-being:

Find Relief from pain:

Millions of Americans suffer from pain and back pain seems to be the leader of the pack, in fact, low back pain is one of the most common reasons for missing work.   In fact, back pain is one of the most listed reasons for visits to the doctor’s office.  Treat low back pain with a combination of stretching, exercises and getting regular massage, acupuncture and/or chiropractic care.  It is important to remember that surgery or pharmaceuticals are not the only option for finding freedom from pain.  Many times with a little energy and regular self care you can live a happier and healthier life without the extra side effects that come with invasive surgery or drugs.healthier and happier life

Free yourself from Stress and Anxiety:

The world is always changing, moving more quickly, raising it’s expectations-heaping more and more onto our plates.  It is no wonder that many Americans are frequently suffering from bouts of depression, anxiety and insomnia.  Stress is a killer and if left unregulated it can cause all sorts of issues in the body.  Dr. Sheldon Cohen discovered in a 2012 study that “When under stress, cells of the immune system are unable to respond to hormonal control, and consequently, produce levels of inflammation that promote disease. Because inflammation plays a role in many diseases such as cardiovascular, asthma and autoimmune disorders, this model suggests why stress impacts them as well.”  Help yourself regulate stress hormones with massage.  Regular massage reduces the hormone cortisol in your body, and give the happiness inducing neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine a boost.  Check out our buy 3 get 1 free massage packages and $55 monthly membership to get yourself on the path to freedom from stress today!

Look better, feel better and have more energy:

Speaking of stress, we all know it takes a toll on our energy levels as well as our appearance.  Weight gain or loss, dark bags under our eyes, dull skin and exhaustion are all common side effects of stress.  Massage can help these too by reducing stress levels and helping to boost your bodies natural healing abilities.  Massage also improves circulation and skin tone to promote that beautiful healthy glow we are all striving to achieve.    Learn more about the ways massage can help you feel and look better in this great article:  The amazing ways massage can help you look prettier

Living a healthier and happier life is contingent on a healthy routine including exercise, diet and self care.  Dedicate yourself to this cause-you are worth it!

Natural remedies for Neck Pain

Massage and Acupuncture are natural remedies for Neck pain

Neck pain is very common in our culture and there are many different reason’s a person can experience neck pain.  Some of these include poor posture, unhealthy holding patterns created by repetitive motion or overuse, injuries, structural issues and changes are just a few.  Neck pain can be very disruptive to a person’s everyday routine especially sleep patterns and regular work, when your body is chronically experiencing pain you are unable to function optimally.  This in addition to the possibility of permanent disability and severe injury are important reasons to address neck pain as early and aggressively as possible.  Here are some of the ways massage and acupuncture can help:

Acupuncture for neck pain:

acupuncture for neck pain

  • Can reduce spasms and lesson pain

  • Acupuncture can reduce inflammation and even obliterate it with regular treatments

  • Acupuncture promotes better blood flow through treated areas which promotes healing

  • Releases endorphins changing the way the brain and spinal cord perceives pain

  • Acupuncture addresses underlying issues such as stagnant energy, holding patterns, stress and other problems that are at the root of your neck pain

  • Cupping helps relax and break up stuck fascia and scar tissue freeing your body to move more efficiently

Massage for neck pain:

massage for neck pain

  • Increases blood flow which promotes healing

  • Decreases tension in muscles

  • Increases endorphin’s

  • Calms the body releasing tension all over the body rather than just in the select concentrated areas

  • Regular massage can help lengthen muscles that are shortened allowing your posture to correct itself

Consider massage and acupuncture as part of your health care plan, you are important and taking good care of your body is essential to living a long, healthy and happy life.  Check out our packages and memberships for affordable options in getting the treatment you need to become free of pain!

Happy hour appointments

$45-$55  Happy Hour massage and acupuncture appointments for the week of August 15th-21st

-These appointments are first come first served and are subject to availability.  Email to book at wonthebody@gmail.com and please email at least 2 hours in advance to book an appointment

Happy hour openings for today Friday August 15th:

3pm or 6:15pm with Bethany for $45/60 min Find Your Peace Massage

4pm or 7pm with Richard for $45/60 min Find Your Peace Massage or $55/60 min Acupuncture

Openings for Saturday August 16th:

11am or 12:30pm with Kathy for $45/60 min Find Your Peace Massage

9am, 10:30am or noon with Terry $55/60 min Acupuncture

3pm, 4:30pm or 6pm with Bethany or Richard for $45/60 min Find Your Peace Massage

Openings for Sunday August 17th:

3pm, 4:30pm or 6pm with Richard for a $45 Find Your Peace Massage or  $55/60 min Acupuncture

Openings for Tuesday August 19th:

10am, 11:30am or 1pm with Alexandra for $45/60 min Find Your Peace Massage

3pm, 4:30pm or 6pm with Kathy for $45/60 min Find Your Peace Massage

Openings for Wednesday August 20th:

4:30pm or 5:30pm with Terry $55/60 min Acupuncture

Openings for Thursday August 21st:

4:30pm or 6pm with Kathy for $45/60 min Find Your Peace Massage

3pm or 5:30pm with Terry $55/60 min Acupuncture

*you can add hot stones for $10 or deep tissue for $20  email wonthebody@gmail.com to book a happy hour appointment today!

Book other appointments online anytime!

Have a wonderful week:)





Take a Staycation with Rooftop Massage and Acupuncture!

Summer won’t last forever

it’s time to make help yourself live a happier and more relaxed life by taking advantage of Written on the Body’s Rooftop Massage and Acupuncture treatments!

rooftop massage and acupuncture

Rooftop relaxation featuring:


Click here to Book online by August 31st and take $20 off of your visit.

*make a note in your appointment that you are using the summer rooftop offer or first timer special for indoor appointments.   You are also welcome to call 503.473.8515 or email wonthebody@gmail.com to book if you prefer

Awesome deals on massage and acupuncture Portland, OR

Find freedom from pain with these great summer deals on massage and acupuncture Portland, OR!

massage and acupuncture deals Portland, OR

Ease your aches and pains with Acupuncture and Cupping

$70 for a Private Acupuncture treatment plus fire cupping

Book online here and make a note that you are using the summer acupuncture special

deals on massage and acupuncture portland, or

Find Your Peace with Massage

We have 3 new massage therapists who will be starting within the next couple of weeks:  Summer, Kathleen and Richard (Rich is also an Acupuncturist and can combine his specialties into a beautiful blend of acupuncture and massage-email us for more info)
We would love to give you an opportunity to receive their excellent work and so we thought why not let you have a chance by allowing you to
use the $20 off first timer special when you book with a massage therapist that you haven’t worked with before! 
Just make a note that you are using the first therapist deal (good through 9/1/14) when you book your appointment online here.

deals on massage and acupuncture portland, or

Get relief from muscle tension with an Infrared Sauna Session

At half off for the whole summer you just can’t beat the price!  Book your appointment online today and make a note that you will be using the summer sauna special.


We hope to see you very soon!

Schedule Online with your favorite massage and acupuncture studio

Schedule online with your favorite Portland massage therapist or acupuncturist at Written on the Body with our brand new Mind Body scheduler!

We took the leap from our old online scheduling system to a new and easier to use system called Mind Body.

What’s new:

  • Easier functionality for booking with a specific therapist, appointment type or specific time
  • Easier tracking of your memberships and packages
  • Options to share packages and memberships with friends and family
  • Options to pay for appointments for friends and family members
  • Set up music and pressure preferences in your online account
  • All of your previous information should have been converted to our new scheduler-especially remaining gift certificates, packages, future appointments and memberships.  If you login to your account and are missing something that should be there, please contact us immediately so that we can fix it.

How to schedule online:

  1.  Go to our online scheduler:  https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=158494 (Or use the mobile app:  Mind Body Connect)
  2.  Login with your email and password in the upper right hand corner of the page or if this is your first time logging into Mind Body at Written on the Body choose “sign up” (if you have been to WOTB before then you will have the ability to choose your name from a list after giving a little information-complete your sign up and move forward from there).
  3.  Under “find your appointment” and “what are you looking for” choose the general type of appointment you would like to book.
  4.  Choose specific appointment type of appointment you would like to book and any other criteria you prefer and then click “search”.
  5. When you see the appointment you are interested in choose “book” and you may choose to enter payment information or not.
  6. Choose “Book appointment” and you will be redirected to a confirmation screen

Client’s of Julie Campbell, LMT OR#15892 please read:

Julie has made the difficult decision to close off her appointment availability to new clients for the time being so that she can better serve the needs of her regular clientele.  To schedule with Julie you will need to have permission set up in your account, if you have been in to Written on the Body anytime before June 22nd, 2014 then you are welcome to request this permission by emailing us at wonthebody@gmail.com or giving us a call at 503-473-8515.

How to schedule online with Julie:

*If you have not done so already email or call us to request permission to schedule with Julie (return clients only)

  1. Go to our online scheduler:  https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=158494 (Or use the mobile app: Mind Body Connect)
  2. Login with your email and password in the upper right hand corner of the page or if this is your first time logging into Mind Body at Written on the Body choose “sign up” (if you have been to WOTB before then you will have the ability to choose your name from a list after giving a little information-complete your sign up and move forward from there).
  3.  Under “find your appointment” and “what are you looking for” choose “Julie’s Client Services”.  *You may still book with other massage therapists as well if you like by choosing “massage” instead of “Julie’s Client Services”
  4. Choose the type of appointment you would like to book and any other criteria you prefer and then click “search”.
  5. When you see the appointment you are interested in choose “book” and you may choose to enter payment information or not.
  6. Choose “Book appointment” and you will be redirected to a confirmation screen

We know and greatly appreciate that many of Julie’s regular client’s enjoy telling friends and family members about her work and we hope that you will continue to send us your referrals!  Our business is built on word of mouth recommendations and we hope that you will continue to help us grow.  If you have only seen Julie at WOTB and would like to have the opportunity to experience the work of our many talented therapist’s so that you can feel confident about referring friends or family members to them, please let us know via phone or email and we will happily give you 50% off of any appointment that is $70 or more for each new therapist you book with (1 per person/per massage therapist).  Julie is also happy to make recommendations specific to your friend or family member’s needs if you prefer.  We thank you in advance for considering these options and for your continued support!

If you have any troubles, comments, concerns or suggestions on how things are going or how they could work better for you please do not hesitate to let us know!  email:  wonthebody@gmail.com  Phone:  503-473-8515


Acupuncture for pain and stress

Acupuncture can benefit many types of ailments especially pain and stress!


acupuncture for pain

Acupuncture stimulates the body’s built-in healing mechanisms

Acupuncture “focuses body’s attention” to the injured area and in turn it stimulates the body’s ability to spontaneously heal injuries. As the body focuses on the the micro traumas induced by acupuncture, it also heals any surrounding tissue damage left over from old injuries.

 Acupuncture releases natural painkillers

Inserting a needle sends a signal through the nervous system to the brain, where chemicals such as endorphins, norepinephrine and enkephalin are released. Some of these substances are 10-200 times more potent than morphine!

Acupuncture reduces both the intensity and perception of chronic pain

It does this through a process called “descending control normalization”, which involves the serotonergic nervous system.

 Acupuncture relaxes shortened muscles

This in turn releases pressure on joint structures and nerves, and promotes blood flow.

Acupuncture reduces stress

This is perhaps the most important systemic effect of acupuncture.
Recent research suggests that acupuncture stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone and signaling substance that regulates the parasympathetic nervous system. You’ve probably heard of the “fight-or-flight” response that is governed by the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system has been called the “rest-and-digest” or “calm-and-connect” system, and in many ways is the opposite of the sympathetic system. Recent research has implicated impaired parasympathetic function in a wide range of autoimmune diseases, including arthritis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

by Joy Earl, LAc


Joy Earl, LAc

Choose acupuncture for pain and stress and book your appointment with Joy today and learn about the benefits of acupuncture first hand!

Monthly Community Wellness classes begin this Thursday

We are now offering monthly wellness classes on the rooftop deck!

This months class is all about learning how acupuncture can ease your pain and it includes a free cupping demonstration


Why Acupuncture is so great for pain: The rivers of your body

Acupuncture is all over the news lately, everyone is talking about how great it is for pain. Shoulder, knee, back, hip…so long as you have pain, acupuncture is the natural alternative to harsh medications. But why? Have you ever wondered why acupuncture works? How the parasympathetic nervous system is your best friend and your body can, with a little help from acupuncture release the best pain killers around. This is your opportunity to learn how Chinese medicine and your health are mirrored in nature. When you see how the flow of energy or Qi in your body is just like a river, you will soon understand why acupuncture has so much to offer on your path to getting pain free!
Why not join us Thurs June 5th for a fun and interactive talk on Acupuncture and pain free living!!

Join us on Written on the Body’s rooftop deck on  Thursday June 5th from 6:30-7:30pm

Cost: Free!

Please Register HERE now-space is limited