We are committed to the health, safety & well-being of all our clients. We are following established OHA requirements by sanitizing all surfaces between clients, and taking added precautions with clothing changes and a utilizing True HEPA Filter air purifier with UV light sanitizer in our treatment room.

We have updated our current client policies + procedures to ensure proper social distancing inside the studio & reduce potential transmission. They are as follows:

  • Read + sign our COVID-19 waiver prior to session. If you have had a new or worsening cough, fever, shortness of breath, or been in contact with anyone who is exhibiting any symptoms or has tested positive for COVID in the last 14 days, let us know ASAP so we can get you rescheduled.

We are open with limited capacity as we adjust to safety protocols & spacing clients. Please book online, text or email for availability & let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your honesty, patience & compassion as we all adapt to these new changes.

In health,
Andrew, Jason, Katie, Katie Jayne & Luna

**For everyone’s safety our infrared sauna is temporarily closed.**

How often should I get a massage?

How often should I get a massage?

I get all sorts of great questions from my clients about what their particular treatment plan should look like. It is a wonderful part of my job to sit with an individual, look at their life, stresses, pains and goals and help them create a plan that will improve their overall well-being. One of the questions I often get is “how often should I get a massage?”. The answer is very personal but here is a list of general guidelines to help you make a great plan for yourself:

If you are recovering from a recent injury

One to two massage(s) per week depending on your injury and other types of therapies you have included in your health care plan.

You are dealing with a chronic issue

In certain cases you may need to follow the above injury protocol to get the chronic issue to a manageable point. It depends on how long you have had the problem and how much discomfort it is causing you. Most people can find lasting relief with two massages per month.

You are looking for maintenance and injury prevention

One massage per month or more depending on your situation. It is always important to remember that it may have been years of bad posture or repetitive actions that have lead to your current issue. This means it most likely won’t be a simple fix. Regular body work and self care is essential for creating lasting change in your health!

There are many factors that can effect how often you should get a massage and the best way to decide is to have a discussion about it with your Massage Therapist. They will be able to give you recommendations based on your current lifestyle, issues, and goals.

Have more questions about massage?  Add them to the comments and we will do our best to cover them in our weekly blog posts. We would love to connect with you on Facebook and answer your questions there as well! Thank you for reading and have a great week.

Should I get a massage when I am sick?

Should I get a massage when I am sick?

Bummer, you woke up with a sore throat and the sniffles on the day of your monthly massage appointment and you are asking yourself “should I get a massage when I am sick?  Your body is cold and achy and part of you thinks the massage will make you feel better, the other half of you is screaming to put the blankets over your head and sleep it all away.

Should I get a massage when I am sick

The truth is that it is best to stay home when you feel an illness coming on, have a full blown issue, or could in any way be contagious.  How massage will effect your body when you are sick will vary for each person.  For some it shortens the life span of the sickness while making it worse for a time, for others it has no effect at all.  Instead of venturing out and possibly sharing your illness with your therapist and other clients, stay home and allow your immune system to be the boss and do what it needs to do to make sure you get well as quickly as possible. This means resting and drinking plenty of fluids.  Your body, your therapist, and all of those that could be exposed will thank you, even if it means you have to cancel last minute.

Tis’ the season for many things and unfortunately virus’s are one of them.  Here are a few tips for prevention:

  • Get plenty of rest

  • Wash your hands often

  • Eat a variety of fruits, veggies and whole grains

  • Exercise regularly

  • Get acupuncture to support your immune system

  • Keep stress to a minimum! (massage helps reduce stress so get massage while you are healthy!)

Thank you for reading and have a great day:)


Deep Tissue Massage for pain relief

Deep tissue massage for pain relief

deep tissue massage

The definition of deep tissue massage according is that it is a type of massage which reaches structures far beneath the superficial fascia to attempt to relieve chronic muscle problems or injuries.  To expand on this definition:  deep tissue is typically performed very slowly and the therapist may use fingers, knuckles or elbows.  It is normal to feel some pain during deep tissue massage. I always advise my clients that it should be a “good pain” and never reach above a 7 on a 0-10 pain scale.  You should be able to keep your muscles relaxed and breath through the pain to work with your massage therapist. This will help you release muscle tension, scar tissue, tight fascia, and bound muscle fibers.  If you are tensing against the pressure the massage becomes counter productive.

When you should choose deep tissue massage

  • When you have an injury that is past the acute phase and is no longer sensitive to touch. You may also want to get permission from your doctor before getting deep work on a recent injury.

  • When scar tissue and/or muscle tension is causing restriction of movement.

  • Chronic pain may be crying out for deeper work. Specifically if the affected area has an underlying deeper issue.

  • Other situations may be appropriate for deep tissue massage as well. If you think it  is right for you discuss your options with your massage therapist.

How will I feel after a deep tissue massage?

You might feel a little sore, tired or even kinda grouchy after a deep tissue massage. This is especially true if it has been a while since you got bodywork.  I had a client tell me once that she went home after a 90 minute deep tissue treatment and got into an honest and heated discussion with her husband about some things that had been bothering her.  I hope this doesn’t detour you. I tell you this because it is important to understand what is happening to our bodies.  Massage, in general, releases things…what those things are can be debatable. My personal belief is that the release happens on many levels.  Keep in mind that every person is different. Many people leave their deep tissue treatment feeling a profound sense of relaxation.

Here is a great idea:  go get a deep tissue massage (if you feel it is right for you) and report back in the comments on how you feel afterwords!  In the end some discomfort can be normal for the first couple of days and after that you should see improvement in the focus area of the treatment.


Have questions about whether deep tissue massage is right for you?  email us at or book online at

Thanks so much for reading:)

Do have pain from a car accident? massage and acupuncture can help!

Do you have pain from a car accident?

massage and acupuncture can help and they are covered 100% by your auto insurance company!  Read on to find out how to get the treatment you need to become pain free….


Alex massage body massage

Have you been in a car accident or know someone who has?  Often even the smallest impact can cause lasting pain or long term injuries and this is why it is crucial to get the care you need following a car accident.  It is important to know your rights regarding coverage for injuries and pain.  In Oregon you automatically receive $15,000.00 dollars to cover your medical costs through your auto insurance company.

Here are a few key points to help you get the appropriate medical care in order to fully heal the pain from a car accident:

  • In Oregon coverage for up to one year or $15,000.00 (whichever comes first) is automatic if you have auto insurance.  This coverage amount could be more depending on what you chose when you set up your policy.  This, however, does not mean that you get a check for $15,000.  With this coverage you are able to get care from the providers of your choice including massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, physical therapy as well as both eastern and western doctors at no cost to you.  The providers will bill your insurance company directly and you will pay nothing out of pocket.

  • Personal injury claims are typically handled through your own insurance company but they do not effect the cost of your policy.  If you don’t have coverage you may be covered through the other party’s insurance company.

  • If there are other people in the car they will also receive coverage for their injuries.

  • You may be eligible for payment if you are unable to work, speak to your adjuster about loss of wages to see what they can offer you.

  • If you exhaust your benefits but are not fully healed you may be able to continue to receive care but at that time you will most likely need to retain an attorney to negotiate further payment from the insurance company.  If this is the case you will need to speak to each of your caregivers to see if they are willing to wait until your case settles to receive payments beyond the time your benefits become exhausted.

What you will need when you make an appointment with your choice of providers:

  • You must first file a claim with your insurance company.  When you have given them all of the necessary information they will provide you with an adjuster who will oversee the payments on your behalf as well as a claim number.  You will need to provide the name and contact information of your adjuster and your claim number to your provider upon your first visit as well as your photo ID.

  • Your insurance company may ask for a doctor’s referral for various services ie. acupuncture or massage, don’t hesitate to ask your physician for a prescription for the services you desire.  Provide this at the time of your visit with your chosen therapist as well.

  • You will need to give the date of the accident and a description of the events and have a thorough discussion about the pain and injuries caused by the event with each of your providers so that a treatment plan can be made with each of them.

How often will you need to get massage and/or acupuncture to be free of pain from a car accident?

  • This is highly dependent on your situation and the type of massage therapist/acupuncturist you choose.  You will discuss a treatment plan at your first visit.

  • Typically we start out with once or twice a week for three months and re-evaluate/adjust your treatment plan depending on your progress.

Ready to book?  Written on the Body Massage and Acupuncture Studio specializes in helping people find freedom from injuries and chronic pain!  Book online with any of our experienced and highly skilled therapists and acupuncturists today by clicking here!

Have more questions?  Email at  us or leave them in the comments.  Thanks so much for reading and  have a great day!


How often should I get massage?

I get a lot of great questions from my clients about what their particular treatment plan should look like.  It is a wonderful part of the job that I get to sit with an individual, look at their life, stresses, pains and goals and help them create a plan that will improve their overall well-being.One of the questions I get all the time is: “How often should I get a massage and what type of massage should I choose?”  The answer is very individualized but I do have some general guidelines that I work with when helping a client choose a treatment plan that will work best for them.

How often should I get massage?

There are many factors that can effect how often you should get a massage.  The best way to decide is to have a discussion with your massage therapist. They will be able to give you recommendations based on your lifestyle, injuries and health care goals.  The way you incorporate massage into your wellness plan is a personal choice and in the end you know what is best for you!

  • 1 massage per week or more depending on your injury and other types of therapies you have included in your health care plan if you are recovering from a recent injury.

  • 2 massages per month or more depending on how much lasting relief you get from each massage if you have a chronic issue that is causing you pain.

  • 1 massage per month or more depending on your situation for maintenance and injury prevention.

It is always important to remember that it may have been years of bad posture, habits or other repetitive actions that have lead to your current issue which means it most likely won’t be a simple fix.  Regular body work and self care is essential for creating lasting change in your health!

What type of massage should I receive

The answer to this question also has many variables and is very dependent on each individuals needs.  It is always good to discuss your desired goals with your therapist and to revisit them each time you have a massage appointment.  Here is a short description of two common types of massage that you might choose from:

  • Swedish/Relaxation massage – This is the most common type and uses five styles of long, flowing strokes to reduce stress and pain in the body.  Swedish massage is great for nearly everything, including  stress and pain relief, injury recovery, prevention and so much more!

  • Deep Tissue massage – Deep tissue massage is a focus on the deeper layers of muscle as well as the connective tissue and is typically slow, deliberate and focused work.  Deep tissue massage can be great for treating injuries, chronic pain, range of motion restrictions and many other issues.

A common myth about deep tissue massage is that it must be painful in order to be effective.  Deep tissue massage may be slightly painful on occasion as your therapist works through adhesion and resistant tissue but this is not always the case.  In fact working too deeply too quickly and causing excessive pain can do way more damage than good by causing stress and trauma to your already tight muscles and fascia. You may even choose to begin your treatment plan with Swedish massage until the superficial tissue has relaxed enough to have effective results from deep tissue work. Keep in mind that your massage therapist is always trying to work with your body to promote healing.

how often should I get a massage


How long should my massage be?

You can typically choose from 30/60/90 minutes of massage (and often more).

  • A 30 minute focus massage might be great for you if you have one specific area that you are focusing on such as low back, neck, foot or wrist.  You might consider several weeks of short sessions on one particular area to reach a desired goal.

  • A 60 minute session is great for; full body relaxation, some focus work on a particular area combined with some relaxation work, or it can also be great for a combination of focus work on two different areas of the body.

  • 90 minute massage treatments are wonderful for; extended relaxation work, focus on one area of the body combined with full body relaxation, or focus work on more than one area combined with light relaxation work.  The combinations are endless!  Just keep in mind that you should book enough time in your treatment to accomplish small goals (ie. you have slightly more range of motion in your bound up shoulder) and work toward your greater goal (ie. you have full range of motion in your shoulder).

Have more questions about massage?  Add them to the comments and we will do our best to cover them in our weekly blog posts! Thank you for reading and have a great week.





When should I see a Physical Therapist?

Please enjoy a guest post written by the latest addition to Thrive Massage and Bodyworks (the space that Written on the Body resides in).

I have been seeing Dr. Alex de la Paz for the past couple of months to address chronic jaw and neck pain and I have been impressed with his intuitive and gentle style as well as the lasting results we have achieved over just a few visits.  This is what inspired me to ask him to write a post for us.  Our goal at Written on the Body is to help each of you find freedom from pain and stress and I believe that Alex may be able to help accelerate this process in addition to your regular massage and acupuncture treatments.  Bonus that he is a genuinely lovely person AND is located in the same building so you can easily have your health care team all in one place!

When Should I see a Physical Therapist?

Should I stretch before I exercise?
Is it OK to be sore after I exercise?
How do I know if I am developing an injury?

Have you ask yourself one of these questions? Do you exercise and wonder if that “tightness” or “soreness” is a problem? You may be experiencing normal and expected exercise-induced muscle soreness. However, you may be experiencing symptoms associated with an over-use injury, either due to a heightened activity level or a dysfunctional movement pattern. This article provided by Root & Branch Physical Therapy will help identify and differentiate between normal and abnormal responses to exercise, with the intent of informing and empowering the community on the importance of injury prevention and management throughout a lifespan.

“Normal” and “Expected” Soreness

During and after exercise it is expected for muscles to fatigue and feel either “tight,”
“sore” or “achy;” especially if the goal of the exercise is to improve muscle strength and/
or size. This phenomenon is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) and could
last 1-3 days after you exercise. Delayed muscle soreness should be expected in the body
part or region of the body that was producing movement or force. For example, if
someone perform exercises involving pushing or pulling motions with their arms, it
would be expected to have muscle soreness in the shoulders, chest and arm regions.
During full-body movement patterns, such as running or playing basketball, global
DOMS is to be expected in areas throughout the entire body, especially after performing
a newly-introduced activity.

“Abnormal” and “Unexpected” Soreness

Even though soreness is an expected outcome of exercising, there are times where
soreness could be a clue to whether or not you are producing a poor movement pattern
and/or developing an injury. Below are some subjective reports that would suggest that
someone is at risk for developing an injury:

Soreness only on one side of the body
o Potential cause: asymmetrical positioning or muscle function
o Example: only one calf muscle feeling sore or tight after a run
o Our approach: identify why and when the sore muscle may be stressed
during your running pattern

On-going muscle tightness or joint stiffness
o Potential cause: over- or under-active muscle activity
o Example: sensation of hamstring tension despite stretching and/or foamrolling
o Our approach: identify if the tension felt is due to soft tissues that are
over-active and short or under-active and long

Head, face, jaw, neck or spine soreness or stiffness
o Cause: dysfunction of the core, breathing or jaw muscles
o Example: low back pain or headaches during or after specific activities
o Our solution: identify why tension and strain is being distributed at
specific locations during certain activities

Common Regions Involved in Compensation
• Calves and feet, fronts and sides of thighs, front of the hips (hip flexors), low
back area, accessory breathing muscles of the neck, wrists and elbows, face and
jaw muscles and the diaphragm (holding your breath).

If you or anyone you know is experiencing symptoms from the “Abnormal” and
“Unexpected” Soreness category listed mentioned above, then you would benefit from an
injury and movement screen to identify your current risk for developing an injury. Also, if
your commonly experience tension, soreness or pain in the “Common Regions Involved
in Compensation” list above, then you as well should benefit from screening to identify
your injury risk.
Root & Branch Physical Therapy provides FREE 30-minute movement and injury
screens for all individuals. If you indeed are identified as being at risk for injury, you may
benefit from a 90-minute comprehensive Physical Therapy evaluation with a Doctor of
Physical Therapy. Please contact Alex today if you have further questions about how
Physical Therapy might help your specific situation. You may also schedule via phone,
text, email, our website or the MINDBODY app.

should i see a physical therapist

Dr. Alex de la Paz, PT, DPT
Owner & Physical Therapist
Root & Branch Physical Therapy
2808 NE MLK Jr Blvd, Ste C
Portland, OR 97212
Cell: (503) 577-0318
Fax: (503) 710-9221

Two tips for a great life: eat healthy and get massage

Just sayin….

            Making the commitment to eat healthy and get massage regularly might just make your life great:)  Who can argue with that?

We just updated our menu to make it easier for our clients to get the most out of their massage and acupuncture treatments by highlighting the unique training and skills of each therapist versus the generic deep tissue or relaxation massage.  The truth is that each of us come with our own set of issues that need a combination of techniques and focused attention in order to be resolved.  We wanted to give our therapists the freedom to help shape each clients experience without the confines of upgrades and appointment types.  So now here we are offering personalized sessions where your appointment is defined by the therapist you have chosen and their specific talents as well as the many facets of you:  your stress levels, pain levels, needs, desires and more at each session.

To book with us please:

  • go to our website and read about each therapists offerings and skill set
  • Choose the “book” link
  • Choose the therapist and  length of the personalized session you would like to book ie.  if you want to focus on one area of the body or you would just like an all over relaxation massage an hour might work great but if you need to address a couple of area’s you might want to choose a 75 or 90 minute session
  • Choose the day and time for your session and you are all set!

Need help? Have questions? Text us at   email us at  or give us a call at 503-473-8515 and we will be happy to help! Interested in more regular treatments or prefer a more standardized massage type?  Go to our packages page to find out about memberships and packages.  Want to learn more about how often you should get a massage?  Read our blog post on that very topic:)  No matter what we are pretty certain that choosing to eat healthy and get massage will improve your overall quality of life and that is why we are continuing with our fall series on healthy recipes for “the dark time” of fall and winter.  Enjoy!

in the mean time Eat healthy with this Caribbean style stew pigeon pea recipe!

eat healthy and get massage

Stewed Pigeon Peas

*originally posted on the amazing website for all things Caribbean please visit this site to see amazing pics of this dish: 


1 Can Pigeon peas (I used 2 cans, you can find these near the Hispanic foods section in any grocery store)
2 scallions
1 tablespoon olive oil (I used 2 tablespoons of coconut oil)
1 med tomato (chopped)
1 cup diced bell pepper (I used 2 red bell peppers)
1 scotch bonnet pepper (keep whole) (Habanero pepper is a great substitute, I like a lot of spice so I broke mine open half way through cooking)
1 med onion diced
2 cloves garlic
3 sprigs thyme (I like a lot of flavor so I used about 8 sprigs of dried thyme)
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon parsley (I substituted cilantro because that is what I had on hand)
1/2 cup diced celery
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup coconut milk (You can use low fat here if you prefer, I used one whole can of full fat coconut milk)
1/2 cup water

optional – grated ginger – diced carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato

I made this with brown rice, jerk tofu and roasted sweet potatoes

The process

  • In a large shallow pan or wok heat the oil add the celery, garlic, tomato, parsley, thyme, onion, black pepper and scallions. Turn the heat down to low and let it gently cook for about 3-5 mins.
  • Drain and rinse the peas and add them to the pan, turn the heat back up to medium
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and bring it up to a boil. Then reduce to a simmer (remember to add the scotch bonnet whole and try to NOT break it open) and let it cook for about 15 minutes.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  I did let mine simmer for a while because I was cooking other things but you can let yours cook to desired consistency. 
  • Serve with rice, tofu and/or sweet potatoes and enjoy!

I am having so much fun sharing my favorite recipes with you and it is defintinitley helping me stay on track:)  Thanks so much for reading and as my good friend from Dominica used to say “Good times always!”.

Eating healthy during fall: Jamaican brown stew fish recipe

Here is another great recipe to help us in our quest to continue eating healthy during fall!  I hope you love it and feel free to share your faves with me:)

Jamaican Brown Stew Fish

eating healthy during fall

Adapted from “Brown Stew Fish” found on

Some of you may already know that I spent a couple years in the U.S. Virgin Islands and loved it!  I really miss island food and culture especially when “the dark time” starts to creep in here in the Pacific Northwest.  Luckily I still live in a location with an abundance of fresh fish and I try to eat fish at least once a week, otherwise I am pretty much a meatless cook.  This week I bought some wild caught Pacific Cod not really having a recipe in mind.  After I got it home I searched around online and came across one of my favorite Caribbean dishes called stew fish (I pretty much loved “stew anything” while I was there).   This recipe was already pretty healthy but I did make a few adjustments.  I served this with brown rice and it was fabulous!  I hope you enjoy:)


  • 2lb fish fillets
  • 1 tablespoon of lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 onion diced
  • 3 stalks of scallion minced
  • 1 habanero pepper minced (or adjust amount to your desired spice level)
  • 1 red pepper diced
  • 3 cloves of garlic minced
  • 1/2 inch of ginger grated
  • 3 tomatoes chopped
  • 3 tablespoons of flour
  • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme (or 3 teaspoons of dried thyme)
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of browning *see recipe at the bottom of this post
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 cups of water
  1. Rinse the fish filets and put them in a bowl with just enough water to cover and lime juice, leave them to marinate while you make the browning sauce.
  2. Make the browning sauce, the recipe is located here and at the bottom of this post.
  3. Mix flour into 1/4 cup of water and set aside
  4. Take fish out of the water mixture and pat dry, season with salt and pepper
  5. Heat large shallow pan with oil, I used about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, until hot.  Add fish (I like to break it up into smaller chunks as I cook it).  After about 5 minutes when the fish has sealed you can add in the onion, scallion, habanero, red pepper pepper, garlic, tomatoes and thyme for three minutes.
  6. Add the water, soy sauce and browning and simmer for five minutes.
  7. Stir the flour/water mixture in to the stew then add the fish.  Simmer for five minutes, occasionally stirring gently.
  8. Serve with Rice or a traditional Jamaican “rice and peas”
  9. Put on some Caribbean music and enjoy!

Browning Sauce

A version of this sauce is used a lot in Jamaican cooking, this is a healthy version and it makes quite a bit.  Feel free to cut it down to only make what you need.  Also you can substitute brown sugar and regular salt if you prefer. This recipe comes from

  • 2 cups of coconut palm sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tsp of himalayan pink salt
  1. Add the sugar to a saucepan and turn on medium heat.
  2. Use a wooden spoon and begin to slowly stir. The sugar will start to dissolve and turn into a syrup consistency while darkening.
  3. If the sugars begin to smoke too quickly then reduce the flame or switch off the stove and continue to stir while charring the sugar.
  4. Once the sugar darkens to a dark brown almost black in colour remove from the stove and carefully add the water. The saucepan will yield plenty of steam and splutter which is normal – keep on stirring the pan.
  5. Once the sauce is formed, allow to cool before adding the pink salt and pouring into a sauce bottle.


Delicious and healthy recipes for fall

Delicious and healthy recipes for fall

I made so many good things this week that it is difficult to make a decision on what to share today!  Even though Summer is my favorite season I have decided that this time of year isn’t so bad, mostly because the sun still shines even though there is just a bit of chill in the air.  Food wise you can still get away with salads as a main dish and there are plenty of fresh local veggies piled up in the produce section. I have still been obsessing over my Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites Cook book.  Go buy it, seriously, it is So good…

Without further ado this weeks faves are:

healthy recipes for fall

Spanish Potato Garlic Soup

This soup just feels good to eat and it tastes so beautiful in your mouth!  I am an extreme flavor person so I like to double the herbs and spices in nearly every recipe and I definitely adjusted them in this recipe (though I left them the same below so that you can make your own choices about that).  I paired it with a simple salad of arugula, sweet pepper slices and almonds with a roasted pepper salad dressing.  According to Moosewood this soup is best enjoyed with classical guitar music and deep discussions of passion and death:)

Garlic Broth

  • 20 cloves of garlic peeled
  • 1/4 cup miso
  • 3 cups water
  • 3 cups vegetable or chicken stock
Roast garlic in the oven at 400 degrees on an unoiled pan for 15-20 minutes until golden.  Blend roasted garlic cloves in a blender or food processor with miso and a bit of water until smooth.  Combine garlic puree with all other ingredients listed above and gently warm until hot.

Spanish Garlic Potato Soup

  • 1 large onion thinly sliced
  • 2 large potatoes cut into thin slices
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 1 cup chopped tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • garlic broth (above)
Saute the onions, potatoes and paprika in oil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.  Add the tomatoes and thyme and simmer for 4 minutes.  add the garlic broth and simmer gently for 10 minutes or until potatoes are tender.

Thai Vegetable Curry

I am not great at cooking Thai food typically, I don’t know why, but it is always a struggle for me to get the textures and flavors right.  This recipe turned out perfectly!  This is my adaptation of Moosewood’s recipe, it has quite a few changes but really the recipe really is great the way it is written *buy the book to find out!  I just adapted to my preferences and what I had on hand.  I served this with brown rice and it tasted marvelous-even better the next day!

  • 1 cup chopped onions
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 cups chopped broccoli florets
  • 2 cups diced sweet potato
  • 1 small jar of red curry paste (about 6 tablespoons)
  • 1 and a 1/2 cups pineapple juice
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups cut green beans
  • 1 cup chopped red bell peppers
  • 1 tomato diced
  • 3 tablespoons lime juice
  • 4 tablespoons fresh basil chopped
  • Optional habanero hot sauce or hot peppers
In a soup pot saute the onions, covered, for about 5 minutes.  Stir in the sweet potato, hot peppers (if using them) and curry paste and saute for 1 minute.  Add the pineapple juice, coconut milk, water and salt, bring to a boil and then simmer for 5 minutes.  Add broccoli and green beans and cook for another 5 minutes.  Sir in the peppers, tomatoes, lime juice and basil and simmer until veggies are tender.


I really hope you are enjoying this healthy food series.  Please share your favorite recipes and cookbooks with me!  I am always looking for ideas:)

Have a great week and stay healthy!